Dear all,
Just a quick note that there will be no Dusty Galaxy Meeting next week
due to the NOVA PhD School. We’ll resume as usual the following week.
See you then!
Dear all,
A reminder that our Dusty Galaxy Meeting is happening today at 13:00 in
the Oort Room.
Today Lucie will be presenting her work on REBELS galaxies!
For those joining remotely, here is the Zoom link:…
Meeting ID: 659 5169 7053
Passcode: hT$r*7PL
Hope to see you there!
Dear all,
A quick reminder that our Dusty Galaxy Meeting is happening today at
13:00 in the Oort Room.
Brigitte will be presenting her work on dust and metals in NGC 5253.
For those joining remotely, here is the Zoom link:…
Meeting ID: 659 5169 7053
Passcode: hT$r*7PL
Hope to see you there!
Dear all,
Apologies for the spam, but please find a reminder for a conference
below that may be relevant to you.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Reminder-"Peering through an opaque ISM - Ferrara 2025" -
Abstract Submission
Date: 2025-03-07 08:40
From: "Calura, Francesco" <francesco.calura(a)>
To: "Gilli, Roberto" <roberto.gilli(a)>, Cristiano Guidorzi
<guidorzi(a)>, Francesca Pozzi <f.pozzi(a)>, Miroslava
Dessauges <Miroslava.Dessauges(a)>, hodge
<hodge(a)>, Véronique Buat <veronique.buat(a)>,
Seiji Fujimoto <fujimoto(a)>, cnorman3(a)
Dear colleagues,
This is a reminder that the deadline for abstract submission for the
conference "Peering through an opaque ISM - Ferrara 2025" is 31 March
The conference will take place on September 1-5, 2025 in Ferrara (Italy)
The rationale is focused on the dense, obscured interstellar medium
(ISM) in distant galaxies.
Obscuration is a complex and ubiquitous phenomenon in astrophysics that
often poses challenges,
yet it offers a variety of probes of the properties of the ISM in
various bands.
We aim to review the different probes of the obscured ISM (such as
infrared emission, extinction, and gamma-ray
bursts) to constrain its physical properties through the most recent
observational results from JWST, ALMA and otherfacilities and
state-of-the-art theoretical approaches, such as numerical simulations.
We aim to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and advance our
understanding of the interplay between different aspects of interstellar
obscuration within a broad astrophysical context.
The invited Speakers include:
Susanna Vergani - GEPI, Observatoire de Paris, France
Matus Rybak - Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands
Hiddo Algera - Hiroshima Astrophysical Science Center, Japan
Francesca Matteucci - Università di Trieste, Italy
Leindert Boogaard - MPIA, Heidelberg, Germany
Anita Zanella - INAF OAS Bologna, Italy
Roberto Decarli - INAF OAS Bologna, Italy
Kazushi Iwasawa - ICCUB, Barcelona, Spain
Livia Vallini - INAF OAS Bologna, Italy
Irene Shivaei - CAB, CSIC-INTA, Madrid, Spain
Please, submit your abstract at the link below [2]
Please be aware that due to the conference room's capacity, attendance
is limited to 100 participants.
More information on the conference (including venue and others) can be
found at the site
Please feel free to forward this announcement to anyone who may be
For any enquiries, please email us at ismferrara2025(a)
Best regards,
Francesco Calura and the SOC
Francesco Calura (Chair) - INAF OAS Bologna, Italy
Roberto GIlli - INAF OAS Bologna, ItalyPiero Rosati - Università di
Ferrara, Italy
Cristiano Guidorzi - Università di Ferrara, Italy
Francesca Pozzi - Università di Bologna, Italy
Miroslava Dessauges-Zavadsky - Université de Genève, Switzerland
Jacqueline Hodge - Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands
Veronique Buat - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, France
Colin Norman - Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
Seiji Fujimoto - University of Texas, Austin, USA
Dear all,
A reminder that our Dusty Galaxy Meeting is happening today at 13:00 in
the Oort Room.
Wout will give a presentation on Circinus AGN: Outflow & Inflow.
For those joining remotely, here is the Zoom link:…
Meeting ID: 659 5169 7053
Passcode: hT$r*7PL
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Dear all,
A quick reminder that the Dusty Galaxy Meeting will take place at our
regular time and place: Wednesday at 13:00 in the Oort Room.
The schedule is still open for this week, so if anyone would like to
present, it would be great to have a volunteer! Please let me know if
you're interested.
You can also check out the speaker schedule here:…
Hope to see you there!